Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Building a Better World: ultimate mission and brand value. Motivational ...

Change your life and strengthen your business. Building a Better Business by building a better world. Show how you make a difference in the lives of your customers, clients, consumers. Leadership - motivational leadership styles, leadership skills, leadership quotes, management tools. Biggest ethical test for every culture and every nation: creating a better world, improving life for people. Core value to drive every political debate, underwrites all laws, basis of all team leadership impossible to lead effectively for long without this principle: will the world be a better place as a result of this activity or not? Key to management, marketing, brands, branding, corporate image, reputation and motivation. Applies to leadership and team management in every industry including banks, banking, retail, communication, technology, phone companies, logistics, travel, tourism, freight, manufacturing, health care, pharmaceutical industry, innovation, product development, research, construction, real estate investment, fund management, investment banking and energy, transport and aviation. Whose world? Fundamental principle. If everyone or every business followed this example, would the world be a better place? Define better and world. Example in pharmaceutical industry failure to adequately protect their own patents and intellectual capital in face of public criticism about global health inequalities and social justice. Failure by pharma industry to win the better world argument in media. The most important promise of every business: we will make life better at a price you can afford. Human resources, team motivation, staff engagement and customer engagement. Impact on marketing and customer relationship management, customer satisfaction surveys. How to win war for talent, encourage recruitment, reduce staff turnover, increase staff retention. Executive education and staff training in leadership. The purpose: deliver on the promise. Profit comes from delivering on the promise. Part of keynote on the $40 trillion green tech revolution which could transform the future of our planet, with innovations that will provide answers to global warming if rolled out on a large enough scale. Impact of technologies already available in energy industry, water conservation, carbon reduction, recycling, power transmission over long distances, alternative power generation, buildings management. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Patrick Dixon -- author of SustainAgility book, lecture for Suez Environmental global leadership team.